
Er worden posts getoond met het label address

Dalian HaoTianXin Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd

Dyes and Pint raw materials. Rubber, Leather and Textile Material. Detergent and Water Treatment raw materials. Food and Feed additives raw materials. Plasticizer Raw Materials. Other Raw Materials. Machinery. Address: No 222#-1 ChengRen Street Shahekou District DaLian, LiaoNing, China Tel: 0086-13009402145 Fax: 0086-0411-62933008 Sorry, but the website is no longe avalable because this firm sends spam mails as listed on:

Shine Peak Diamond Tools Corp

Shine Peak Diamond Tools Corp is manufacturer and exporters of diamond saw blades and diamond cutting blades.  The company is located in China. Gamma: Cutting blade - diamond saw blades - diamond cutting blades - diamond concrete blades - diamond core drill bits - asphalt cutting blades - tuck point blades - turbo blades - loop blades - diamond cup wheels - diamond polishing pads - other specialty diamond cutting, grinding, finishing and polishing tools - diamond bandsaw etc They offer best competitive prices of good quality product as per customers specification. Address: Shine Peak Diamond Tools Co., LTD Add: NO.4028, Nanhuan Rd, binjiang district, Hangzhou,Zhejiang, China Tel: +86-571-87156536 Fax: +86-571-87156536

Qingdao Maivi Chemicals co., ltd.

Qingdao Maivi Chemicals is a Chinese manufacturer and supplier,with many customers from Europe, America, Mid-East and Russia Since 2003. It's specializing in production of Synthetic rubbers like: SBR , BR , SBS , IIR , NBR , CR , EPDM, Rubber sheet and more. These products are widely used in the production of tires, plastic and rubber products the EPDM is used for waterproof roof solutions. Address: ChongQing South Road 26 Qingdao City, Sifang District, Shandong Province, China Tel: 86-532-83753819 Fax: 86-532-83753869

McCarthy Building Company

When the issues are complex, the schedule tight and the risk substantial, than McCarthy's Building Company is the righ choice with nearly 150 years of experience. McCarthy has been America's choice for succeeding with the toughest construction challenges. It starts by being a builder first. And taking a hands-on approach to every aspect of every project, from preconstruction through completion. Most of all, it means having a deep understanding of the trade. Knowing how to be both hands-on and high-tech. And nurturing close relationships with the best design partners and subcontractors in every market, from coast to coast. Here, you'll find national expertise in such specialties as healthcare construction, education, science & technology, high performance green building and more. W ebsite: Address: Illinois 1604 Eastport Plaza Drive, Suite 106 Collinsville, IL 62234 Phone: 618/344-4142 Fax: 618/551-2722 St. Louis 1341 North Rock Hill Road St. Lo...

American Buildings Company (ABC - a Nucor company)

The American Buildings Company (ABC) is a Nucor company (the largest steel manufacturer and recycler of steel in North America). There are ten Division Core Values that guide American Buildings Company in taking care of. Some of ther features and benefits of there Building Systems: Compared to conventional structures, custom engineered steel buildings offer many clear advantages. With value engineering that includes aesthetics, utility, timeliness, overall costs and more. You will find that building success with a custom engineered building is the right choice. Historically, the industry is often referred to as pre-engineered steel buildings. In reality, there is nothing pre-engineered about our products, as they are all designed and manufactured to custom requirements. Quick and efficient due to standardization. Design drawings provided by manufacturer The weight is approximately 30% lighter due to more efficient use of steel Simple design is lightweight and easy to construct ...

CAD Systems nv

CAD Systems is the company that is actively developing Parabuild (for designing detailed steel structures). CAD Systems is an authorised Autodesk developer and an authorised AutoCAD reseller. Website: Address: Lange Lozanastraat 45 45 Antwerp (Belgium) Tel.: 032 16 49 66 Fax.: 032 37 25 27 E-Mail:

Westland inrichting paardenstallen (stalinrichting)

De ideale partner voor uw paard. Binnenboxen: - Vaste voorpanelen - Opendraaiende voorpanelen - Uitschuifbare tussenpanelen - Bindstallen - Luxe boxen (Royal, Domus Equi) Buitenstallen: - Basismodel type 'Cottage' - Met luifel type 'Country' - Met voedergang type 'Classic' - Met bergruimte type 'Corridor' - Modulaire buitenstal type 'Barn' - Schuifhok Meer: - Luiken & deuren - Schuifpoorten - Tastboxen - Stapmolens - Accessoires Le Partenaire idéal pour votre cheval. Boxes d'intérieur: - Panneaux frontaux fixes - Panneaux frontaux pivotants - Cloisons fixes - Cloisons coulissantes - Stalles - Boxes de luxe (Royal, Domus Equi) Ecuries extérieures: - Modèle de base type 'Cottage' - Avec auvent type 'Country' - Avec couloir d'alimentation type 'Classic' - Avex remise type 'Corridor' - Ecurie évolutive type 'Barn' - Abri Plus: - Volet et portes - Portails co...